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Second Hour Meetings   11:00am – 12:00pm

New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp – Prayer Room

Women’s Fellowship – Conference Room  

1st Sunday of the Month Purls to the World - Upstairs in Sanctuary 


Mid-Week Fellowships and Studies

Monday  Ladies Bible Study Class [No Meeting May 27th Memorial Day]

10-11:30 am Leuschner Hall

Hidden Treasures – A Study of the Book of Colossians

Contact Joanna Zug at


Tuesday Youth Group and Young Adults

Upstairs Fischer Bldg.  7-9:00pm

Heather Weden at


Wednesday Evening Bible Study Class

6:30-8:00pm in Leuschner Hall

Hidden Treasures – A Study of the Book of Colossians

Contact Gary Kiker at


Thursday Food Distribution Team

1st & 3rd Thursday 9-11am Parking Lot Contact Steve Spykerman