Focus Question: What, about religion, makes Jesus angry?
Religion = Belief in God and activities connected with this belief. This kind of religion by itself does not result in transformation of the heart.
Application Questions: Do any of these six attitudes describe you? If so, turn around and receive God’s grace. Allow God to replace your joyless religion with his joyful grace. Join the party of the unworthy. (Luke 15:31-32).
Dwelling in the Word
1. Read Luke 11:37-54. Where does God stop you and why?
2. Without looking at your notes and just reading the passage, what would you call the six religious attitudes that receive this withering rebuke by Jesus?
3. Which of these religious attitudes do you feel particularly vulnerable to?
4. What, if any, “aha” moments have you had in your life when God freed you from your “religion.”
5. Of the six attitudes described in this passage which do you feel are the most damaging to self and others?