Application Questions:
Where are you on the discipleship continuum? Lost, infant, child, young adult, parent, grandparent? Are you where you should be? If not what is your next step?
Questions for reflection and discussion
1. Read Matthew 28:16-20. Where does God stop you?
2. What does it mean that some of the disciples doubted? What doubts do you have about your faith? What doubts or questions have you had that you don’t have anymore? How were those doubts or questions satisfied or answered?
3. What does it mean that Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and earth? Why would he say this to his disciples just before he told them to go make more disciples?
4. What two things does Jesus tell us to do in making more disciples?
5. What is the most effective way to teach others to “observe everything that Jesus has commanded you?”
6. According to Matthew 4:19, what is the “end game” for a disciple? What does that tell us about our discipleship methods?