
Luke 16:19-31
Heaven the Place and the Time Between
What does Jesus tell us about the present heaven?
Application Question
How does this passage challenge you to be a better disciple especially in how you use your wealth?
Questions for reflection and discussion
1. Read Luke 16:19-31. Where does God stop you and why?
2. Jesus reveals some things about the present heaven (and the present Hell) in this passage. Is there anything that surprises you?
3. Our focus has been on heaven with this passage but what are the practical things Jesus seems to be teaching here about wealth?
4. Read Revelation 6:9-11. What is going on in that passage. What does it tell you about the present heaven?
5. Read Hebrews 12:1-2. What does that tell you about the present heaven?
6. If those in the present heaven are aware of what is happening on earth, how can it be a place of joy and peace?
7. Back to Luke, what are the major contrasts in that passage between Heaven and Hell?
8. Read Luke 16:26. What does that verse imply about the present heaven?